Palm Island "The Palm Jumeirah" in Dubai
On the Palm Jumeirah, Vitosol 200-F solar collectors supply 14 apartment buildings with hot water, whilst three Vitocrossal 300 boilers heat the swimming pool and hammam in the "Ottoman Palace" luxury hotel.

Artificially created holiday paradise in a league of its own
Visible from afar in the sea just off the coast of Dubai in the Persian Gulf is an island in the shape of an enormous palm tree, consisting of a five kilometre long trunk and a total of 17 palm fronds. This is the artificially formed island of The Palm Jumeirah –– home to one of the world's most exclusive leisure and holiday centres with numerous apartments, villas, luxury hotels, leisure parks, shopping centres and marinas as well as a 120 kilometre long sandy beach. The man-made palm fronds in the sea are even visible from space.
The Emirate of Dubai not only profits from its oil reserves, but also benefits greatly from its free trade zone with deep sea port. But for some time now, there has also been increasing emphasis on tourism. However, the city had nowhere near enough sandy beaches to satisfy the ever-increasing number of tourists. And so the idea came about of creating a holiday paradise consisting of three artificial islands, each in the shape of a palm tree. The first island complex, "The Palm Jumeirah", was completed in 2007. Right from the outset, interest in the residential and holiday resort was huge: within three weeks, all the properties were sold –– before the island complex had even been completed.

Viessmann solar thermal system ensures efficient DHW heating
The climate in Dubai, with an average of nine hours of sunshine per day, creates ideal conditions for using solar energy for DHW heating. Viessmann's Vitosol 200-F solar collectors with a total collector area of around 3000 square metres are installed on 14 apartment buildings located on the trunk of the man-made palm island. The solar thermal system provides up to 20,000 litres of hot water per day. To cover the peak load, each building is additionally equipped with four Vitodens wall mounted gas condensing boilers in a cascade circuit.
Viessmann gas condensing boilers heat luxury hotel
Viessmann also supplied the heating technology for the "Ottoman Palace" luxury hotel on the palm island: three Vitocrossal 300 gas condensing boilers, each with an output of 978 kW, and six Vitocell DHW cylinders, each with a capacity of 1000 litres, provide domestic hot water, swimming pool heating and hammam heating.